It’s my birthday and I’m feeling ambitious. I didn’t do too terribly the last time I tried this, so here’s a list of 37 things I hope to do in my thirty-seventh year.
Become a BOTM BFF. I want that tote bag, alright?
Finish writing another novel.
Read 50 books.
Cosplay my Inquisitor. Really want to do this armor, because I hate myself.
Buy all my clothes secondhand.
Pay off one of my student loans. Don’t get too excited – there’s more.
Repaint bedrooms.
Find a new therapist.
Bake a pie from scratch.
Make a monthly charitable donation.
Flirt with my husband.
Continue with my new favorite tradition of hosting a Halloween dinner party.
Write one letter a month. Related, would you like one?
Sew Peggy Carter’s blue suit, again.
Play and craft with my girls and enjoy their fleeting littleness as much as possible.
Save an undisclosed sum of money each month for another trip to Disney in two years.
Participate in #PitMad.
Participate in National Novel Writing Month.
Blog once a month.
See a play.
Send my sweet baby girl off to kindergarten with a Schultüte.
Make my living will official.
Build a firepit in the backyard.
Visit with my niece and nephew.
Organize craft supplies and donate what I genuinely do not need.
Go swimming, not in a pool.
Volunteer at the girls’ school.
Endeavor to stand and work at least once a day when in the office.
Frame the art I already have before I buy more.
Research and practice loving-kindness meditation.
Get Miss E involved in Girl Scouts.
Attend Dragon Con with my husband for the first time.
Floss more regularly.
Plant flowers for pollinators.
Set up the lovely dollhouse my bestie gave to Miss E on her first birthday, because I think the girls are finally old enough not to destroy it.
Renew my passport, and acquire passports for the girls.
I’m never going to not worry, but please, just be present.