I have returned from five days in Nerdvana, otherwise known as Dragon*Con. And while I didn't get to cosplay everything I planned to and walked about a thousand miles more in heels than I wanted as we weren't staying in a host hotel, we made so many good memories that I am already dreaming of next year.
Though I wondered if I wasn't accidentally cosplaying another red-hatted boss lady, it seems I wasn't the only one suffering from a case of mistaken identity if my conversations with other Agent Carter cosplayers are any indication. Despite making the worst convention shoe choice of my life, I loved being Peggy Carter on Friday and Saturday morning of the con. I had the stellar opportunity to march with a crew of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents and Marvel characters during the parade (around 16:12), and another lovely Peggy with victory rolls to roll over for. There were many high-fives for little ones who recognized me, and I got a hug. As I am generally sensory-deprived when I am away from my cuddly family, it was much appreciated.
I am already plotting for next year, of course. I want to dismantle the jacket so it's more tailored, completely remake the sleeves, and either make or purchase a shirt that's closer to screen-accurate. Because I am a perfectionist, not a purist. Both are equally obnoxious, I fear.
There's something to be said for a costume that inspires glee and nostalgia. Ms. Frizzle was more fun even than I had hoped. On Sunday night after the masquerade - one of the very few pieces of programming we managed to attend, being too far from the con this year - I met a Captain Planet and nearly melted from joy, tooling around the Marriot with my bestie dressed as the best ever Phyrne Fischer. Normally we skip the bar scene because of the impassibility of that area, but never again. We saw some incredible cosplays and tipsy nerds are the nicest.
It seems I must settle down to the work of being a regular, writerly human now that the mad sewing that precedes con is over, and it should be a lot easier: I threw a bunch of money at artists in the comic and pop art gallery for new prints for my working space.